Thursday, May 27, 2010

Loser...but I did get to sew!

I am such a loser...I have not had any motivation to go to the gym. Not at all. I am trying to go so that I can increase my cardio strength, muscle strength and lose some weight. Not alot, but some, because it seems as the years continue to march on...the weight decides its' going along for the ride. I don't like gaining ten pounds, not one bit! But...oh! I love to eat! So, it was a deal I made with myself. Start going to the gym, eating right and miraculously I would look sweet in my swimsuit. I thought about going this morning, I really did. Then I thought about going for a bike ride.I really thought about it. Then I remembered I had some Foccacia dough that needed to be kneaded for a second rise. I spread it out in a pan and topped with fresh Basil, Olives, Olive Oil, Pepper and let it do its' thing, then into the oven it went. Well, I couldn't leave the house now to go to the gym so, into my sewing room I went. To finish (what else?) a snack bag to take my goodies to work. YUMMY!!!! I know since everyone who knows me, knows my love of fish that this bag screams ME!!!!
It's a bit larger than a paper lunch sack, it's reusable so I am doing something green. I can put all my healthy veggie snacks and protien in this bag so I can always eat healthy and there by lose the weight I want/need to. See, it all works out. I am not really a loser, now to sample the Foccacia.

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